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Week 1 Discussions & Learning Activities Discussion Topic 2

Week 1 Discussions & Learning Activities Discussion Topic 2

Q 1. Discuss a major event in labor history, prior to the 21st Century, that has had "carryover" to the modern practice of HR? [As an example, the Knights of Labor (KOL) promoted many ideas that were radical at the time, but common practice today!] Explain your response. 2. Explain what specific issue from the major event you discuss above that has carried over to modern practice today. Be specific. 3. Remember to cite your references. Outside research may be necessary to fully respond to each question. The Nature of Unions Review this resource providing text and a film "bites" about the History of the Labor Movement [Labor Law Handbook]

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1. The Adamson Act of 1916 is a major event in labor history which can be applied to the modern HR practices (Addams, 2021). This is because there had been workers associated with the Railroad industry who had been given provision of being protected by the imposition of this Act (Addams, 2021). There had been strikes conducted by these workers and these actions had not been opposed by the government or the makers of this Act (Addams, 2021). However, there had to be disputes between these workers and their employers resolved by the amendments and passing of this Act (Addams, 2021).